Actions Menu

See All Actions Menu.


An Activity is a system-managed, read-only object. Activity records provide a unified view of workflow and user task statuses. You can use Activity records to create reports on task completion in your Vault.

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Access Control

Access control refers to various ways that Admins can grant or remove access to object records or documents. See Dynamic Access Control.


See Administrator or Admin Tab Collection.

Admin Tab Collection

The Admin tab collection is where you’ll find configuration options and administrator-level actions in Vault. To see this area, you must have at least read access to one part of the Admin tab collection through your security profile and permission set.

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Administrators or Admins are users who have permissions (through their security profile) to the Admin tab collection in Vault. The level of access depends on the permission sets. For example, one administrator may have full access to the Business Admin tab collection but read-only access to the Admin tab collection. Another user may have broader access that allows her to create new document lifecycles, users, permission sets, etc.

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Aggregate Field

Aggregate fields refer to summary calculations of number fields within a report.

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Alias can refer to alternate labels that users set up in your Vault for:

  • Columns in a report
  • Filters or filter prompts in a report
  • Document relationships in a relationship report
  • User profiles

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All Actions Menu

An All Actions menu, sometimes called an Actions menu, is represented by the ellipses icon and allows you to perform various actions on some kind of element in the Vault. For example, a document, report, or object. Typically, we refer to the document All Actions menu, which provides access to document actions. Available items in the document All Actions menu vary by Vault configuration, the document or binder’s lifecycle state, the document type’s Create permissions, your security profile, and your role-based permissions on the document.

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See Document Linking.


Annotations are comments and markings made within the document viewer to provide feedback on the document.

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Application Programming Interface – Vault’s REST-based API that allows for programmatic access to most Vault functions and configurations. Refer to the API Help site for detailed information.

Application License Type

In multi-application Vaults, a user’s Application License Type lets the system track available licenses at the application level, but does not control the user’s access to features like License Type.

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Application Family

An application family is a set of integrated applications that can exist on the same Vault. For example, eTMF and Study Startup are applications in the Clinical Operations application family.

Application Owner User

Similar to the System user, the Application Owner user appears in your Vault to run processes for the application. This user is not included in license counts.

Application Role

The Application Role object maps lifecycle roles to a higher “application-level” role, adding an extra level of organization for User Role Setup objects as well as a basis on which to apply permission sets via User Roles. The Application Role object is active and available in all Vaults. Various features utilize it, including role permissions and DAC for documents and objects.

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See Document Archive.

Atomic Security

Atomic Security is available for documents and objects. With Atomic Security for Documents, Admins can secure active workflow actions by document lifecycle state and role. With Atomic Security for Objects, Admins can secure object fields, actions, and relationships by individual lifecycle states or assigned roles on an object record. This grants permissions on specific fields, actions, or relationships based on user roles on the record and state of the record.

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Audit Log

Audit Logs display a history of actions within your Vault. Audit Logs include Document Audit History, Domain Audit History, Login Audit History, and System Audit History. See also: Document Audit Trail.

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Audit Trail

Audit trails are a list of all actions performed in the system. Vault provides audit trails at the document, system, login, and domain levels.

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Base Document

Base Document is the highest level in the document type hierarchy — the parent of all document types. A document or binder cannot be a “Base Document” because this level exists only for configuration purposes. When configuring a setting at the Base Document level, all other document types inherit that setting, unless an Admin defines an override at the individual type, subtype, or classification level.

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Basic Document Template

Basic document templates use an Admin-uploaded document as the template’s source file. These templates are created and managed in Admin > Document & Binder Templates.

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Batch is a standard object used to support the Batch Approval feature, which lets users move multiple documents into new lifecycle states as a “batch.”

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Batch Approval

See Batch.

Batch Review & Approval

See Batch.


Binders allow you to organize and group documents in a flexible structure. Binders are comprised of sections, which can nest to build a hierarchical structure, and links to documents in Vault.

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Binder Content

Binder content refers to the documents within a binder, which may include other binders. These are also called component documents and component binders.

Binder Export

Binder export lets you extract a binder, its contents, and its metadata. Learn more in Exporting Binders.

Binder Section

Binder sections provide a method of creating and organizing a hierarchy for the binder’s content. A section contains a name and (optionally) number.

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Binder Template

Binder templates contain the structure (binder sections) of a binder and “planned” documents serving as markers for documents that should be in the binder.

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Business Requirements Definition – List of functional requirements for an area of Vault.

Business Admin

Business Admin is a system-managed tab collection where Admins create, access, and manage object records, templates, and picklist items

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Cart lets you quickly create an ad hoc group of documents from multiple filter sets and Library views. From that group, you can download source files or perform bulk actions. Learn more in Using Cart.

Case Change Function

Case change functions like upper() and lower() are available in some formula builders for setting field values, for example, setting a field value on an object record during a lifecycle state change. These functions work on a text field by setting the value to lowercase or uppercase letters.


Catalog (or catalogue) refers to a past version (pre-V9) of what is currently called a “Vault Object.” See Object.


See Vault Digital Publishing.


Classification is the lowest level of the document type structure (Type > Subtype > Classification).

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See Clinical Operations.

Clinical Operations

Clinical Operations is a suite family of applications that includes eTMF, Study Startup, and CTMS.

Collaborative Authoring

Collaborative authoring allows multiple Vault users to edit a Microsoft 365 document at the same time using Microsoft’s collaboration tools.

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My Collections is a past feature name for Cart.

Command Line Tool

The Vault Loader Command Line tool (CLI) is a way to perform the bulk create, export, update, and delete actions of Vault Loader using a command line/terminal.

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Compact View

Compact View is a Library layout that organizes documents into rows and displays a small thumbnail.

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Component Comparison

Component comparison helps Admins using Configuration Migration Packages to see the difference between their current configuration and that of an inbound package. Admins can compare individual components or export a package comparison. See Using Configuration Migration Packages.

Configuration Migration Packages

Using Configuration Migration Packages, you can migrate configuration changes between two Vaults. See Using Configuration Migration Packages.

Configuration Mode

Configuration Mode allows an Admin to lock non-Admin users out of a Vault in order to complete certain configurations. Users with the Vault Owner or System Admin security profile can continue to work in the Vault through the UI and the API. This setting is ideal for deploying configuration migration packages or setting up Dynamic Access Control. See About Configuration Mode.

Configuration Packages

See Configuration Migration Packages.


See Document Viewer, Document Role, or Object Record Role.


Content refers to the items that a Vault can hold, both individual documents and binders.

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Continuous Matching

Continuous Matching is an Expected Document List (EDL) feature that automatically matches documents and EDL Items, or updates matches, whenever you update a document or EDL Item record.

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Controlled Document Template

Controlled document templates allow users to create templates using regular Vault documents as the template source file. These templates use a Steady state Vault document as the template’s source file. After an Admin completes the proper configuration steps, users can create and manage controlled document templates from Vault documents. Admins can also create controlled templates directly from the Admin > Documents & Binders Templates page.

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Controlling Field

The controlling field is a document field whose value dictates the behavior of other fields in a field dependency configuration. For example, the Readiness Date field is only visible and editable if the For External Use field is set to “Yes.” In this dependency, For External Use is the controlling field.

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Corporate Currency

The Corporate Currency setting allows your organization to configure a single currency for conversion across all records that use other local currencies. The Corporate Currency setting normalizes values for roll-up across currencies and supports various reporting functionality. See Setting Up Currency Fields.

CrossLinks (aka CrossLink documents) enable content from one Vault to be used in another Vault within the same domain. A CrossLink document in your Vault uses the viewable rendition from a source document in another Vault.

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Cross-Domain User

In Vault, user accounts exist within a single domain. By setting up cross-domain users, Admins can grant a user access to Vaults on a different domain without creating a new user account. For example, Admins in VeePharm’s PromoMats Vault could set up agency users as cross-domain users. These users would exist in their agency’s Vault, which would be on their “home” domain, but would also be able to access the PromoMats Vault on the VeePharm domain in order to upload materials they create. For agencies that work with many different companies, this saves users from having to manage several different Vault login accounts. See Cross-Domain Users & Authentication.

Currency Object

The Currency (currency__sys) object allows an organization to support multiple currencies, for example, US dollars (USD), Japanese yen (JPY), and Euros (EUR). Each supported currency is represented by a record in the Currency object. In addition to these records, Vault includes a system-managed, non-editable Corporate Currency record. See Setting Up Currency Fields.

Custom Object Tab

See Custom Tab.

Custom Sharing Rules

Custom sharing rules are part of Dynamic Access Control (DAC) for objects. They provide access control at the object-record level. When an object uses custom or matching sharing rules, Vault introduces new roles on the object records. These roles control the amount of access a user has on the record.

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Custom Tab

A custom tab is a tab added by an Admin to the navigation bar. This tab can open a list of documents of a certain type, object records for a specific object, or an external webpage. For example, a Products custom tab would open a list of all Product object records.

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Dashboards provide an at-a-glance understanding of key metrics. Each dashboard contains one or more dashboard components and each component displays metrics from a report.

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Data Model

Each application has a distinct application data model. The data model includes: objects, object data records, object fields, object types, object relationships, document types, and document fields. These provide contextual information that drives the business processes in each Vault application. Data models can be customized by an admin.

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Data Record

See Object Record.

Dependency Rules

Dependency rules define the behavior of dependent fields in a field dependency configuration. For a single condition on the controlling field, the dependency rules may dictate behavior for several dependent fields. Dependency rules can make a field editable, read-only, or hidden. They can also limit the allowed values in a picklist or yes/no field.

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Dependent Fields

Dependent fields are those whose behavior (editable, hidden, limited allowed values) is dictated by the current value in another field. For example, the Readiness Date field is only visible and editable if the For External Use field is set to “Yes.” In this dependency, Readiness Date is the dependent field.

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A destination is a user-defined link to specific coordinates within an Adobe Acrobat PDF document. Destinations allow users to jump and link to specific locations within the document. Vault supports viewing and navigating destinations within the document viewer.

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Detail View

Detail View is a Library layout that lists documents in rows. Each row shows a thumbnail of the document and important document fields.

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Doc Info

The Doc Info (or DocInfo) page is the main page that displays information about a document, including document fields, security settings, versions, renditions, related documents, and the document content itself within an embedded viewer.

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Within Veeva Vault, a document is an object consisting of both content and fields (metadata). The document content is created using an authoring application (e.g., Microsoft Office), and the document fields are entered through the Veeva Vault interface based on specific organization business rules.

Document Archive

Document Archive lets organizations preserve documents that they no longer use regularly, but hides those documents during day-to-day operations. Learn more in Archiving Documents.

Document Audit History

The Document Audit History is a list of all changes affecting a document, including creation, updates to fields or files, and views.

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Document Checkout

Document checkout is a method of changing the source file for a document already uploaded to Vault. Checking out a document locks the document for other users and lets them know that you are working on it. While a document is checked out, other users cannot check it out or start a workflow.

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Document Field Layout

See Field Layout.

Document Inbox

The Document Inbox shows unclassified documents. The Document Inbox is located in the left-panel of the Library page and is only displayed if the feature is enabled or if you have unclassified documents. Unclassified documents are those that need to have a type, subtype, and/or classification assigned.

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Document Lifecycle

A document lifecycle is the sequence of states (Draft, In Review, etc.) that a document goes through during its life. Each lifecycle has associated business logic, including workflows and permissions for specific user roles.

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Document Lifecycle State

Lifecycles are a sequences of states (Draft, In Review, etc.) that a document goes through during its life. For each individual state, Admins can configure various settings, including entry criteria, automated document actions, user-initiated actions, and user permissions. A document’s current state appears in the Status field.

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Document Linking

Document links allow you to link specific pages or paragraphs between documents in your Vault. When a user creates a link, Vault then creates a reusable anchor on the target document. Once created, other users can reuse that anchor for links from other documents. Users to add multiple anchors to a single link annotation. For example, a specific chart in a promotional piece could use multiple other documents as references. The user could create a single link annotation and add as many different links to anchors to it as needed, or the user could create a linked document relationship directly.

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Document Lookup Field

See Lookup Field.

Document Object

See Document Reference Field.

Document Owner

Document Owner or “Owner” is a standard user role that applies to all documents and binders. Vault automatically assigns this role to the user who creates a document, but that user or an Admin can reassign the role to another user. This is a single-user role, so for a given document, only one user may be in the role at a time. Permissions available to this user are based on security matrix settings.

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Document Reference Field

A field on an object that references a document. Although Document is not a true object, Admins create a document reference field using the Object field type.

Document Relationship

Document relationships are a way of linking two documents; relationships show up in the fields panel of the Doc Info page and in the Where Used view. Some relationships are created automatically (for example, when users make a copy of a document, there is a relationship between new document and original document).

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Document Role

A document role is a way of assigning users a specific set of permissions on a specific document. Each document has multiple roles to which users belong. You can see who has each role from the Sharing Settings panel in the Doc Info page.

Each user’s role on a document, combined with the document’s current lifecycle state, dictates that user’s document-level permissions. For example, the user in the Owner role may be able to delete the document in Draft state, but not in Approved state. A user in the Viewer role may never be able to delete the document.

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Document Sharing Settings

Sharing Settings is a panel in the Doc Info page where you can see the users currently assigned to roles on the document and make changes to these assignments.

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Document Tab

A document tab is any tab that shows documents. Standard examples include Library, but Admins can also set up custom tabs that display a specific document type, subtype, or classification.

Document Template

Document templates allow users to create a document using the template’s source file rather than uploading new content. Templates are associated with a specific document type. There are two types of document templates. See Basic Document Templates and Controlled Document Templates.

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Document Thumbnail

Thumbnails are a small image version of a document’s viewable rendition that appears in some of the Library layouts (detail, compact, and tile view).

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Document Type

Document type refers both to the structure of hierarchical fields (Type > Subtype > Classification) that determines the relevant document fields, rendition types, and other settings for a document, and to the highest level in that hierarchy.

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Document Type Selector

The Document Type Selector is a way to classify a document. Depending on your Vault’s configuration, your Document Type Selector may have several fields (Hierarchy-Based) or a single field (Search Based).

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Document Usage

The Document Usage object captures more comprehensive metrics than Vault’s standard document auditing allows, providing a more accurate view of document usage over time. Fields on each Document Usage record track metrics for documents in Steady state in your Vault.

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Document Version Number

A document’s version number is in the format x.y where “x” is the major version and “y” is the minor version. There is a lifecycle state entry action that will increment a document’s major version and reset the minor version back to zero. The document version number is a standard field used to track version history for documents. Depending on your Vault’s field-level security, users may be able to modify the initial version number when creating new documents.

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Document Viewer

The document viewer is a portion of the Doc Info page where Vault displays a document’s viewable rendition and users can add or view annotations.

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Document Workflows

Document workflows (formerly multi-document workflows) allow users to send a collection of documents out for review and approval on a single workflow instance. Document workflows use the object workflow framework through the Envelope object. Each workflow instance includes an Envelope object record and associates that record with all the workflow documents.

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Document-Level Comments

Document-level comments are a mechanism to provide feedback on a document that is not related to a specific portion of the document. Document-level comments are tied to a specific version of a document.

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A domain is an instance of Veeva Vault that belongs to a single customer and shares several settings. Each company using Vault has one or more domains and each domain has one or more Vaults. Domains with more than one Vault are often called “multi-Vault domains.” Some settings, including many security settings, apply at the domain level.

The domain is reflected in the Vault’s URL (“pharm” in “https://pharm.veevavault.com”) and in each user’s login name (“pharm.com” in “tibanez@pharm.com”).

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Domain Admin

Domain Admin is a user-level setting that, along with the correct permissions, grants users access to edit domain-level settings and to manage users across Vaults. Each domain has at least one user with this setting.

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Domain Audit History

The Domain Audit History page displays changes that occur at the domain level, including updates to user details, security policies, and network access rules

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Down Object

A “down” object is an object related to a primary reporting object. The down object is a child object, simple join object, or an object related through a reference relationship. Down objects can also include related documents.

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Dynamic Access Control (DAC)

Dynamic Access Control for documents and objects is a way of making access control more programmatic and less manual.

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Dynamic Page Layouts

Dynamic Page Layouts is a feature for customizing object page layouts. With it, Admins can declare that some page sections are visible only during specific states of an object record’s lifecycle. The feature simplifies the page layouts in cases where certain fields or related records become relevant only in specific stages of a business process. See Configuring Object Page Layouts.

Dynamic Reference Constraints

See Reference Constraints.



See Document Role or Object Record Role.


See Expected Document List.

Electronic Signature

See eSignature.

Enhanced Checkout

The Enhanced Checkout Java applet was retired in 19R3. Vault File Manager for Windows includes all of the functionality of the legacy Enhanced Checkout feature, and more.

Entry Action Formulas

These are document lifecycle state entry actions that use the action type Set field with using formula. This action sets the value of a number, text, or date field using a formula expression.

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An envelope is an object used to contain one or more documents in a document workflow.

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An eSignature (or electronic signature) is a way for users to officially “sign” a document in Vault by re-entering their usernames and passwords. Admins can configure Vault to prompt for an eSignature as part of a workflow. Admins can also set Vault to auto-generate signature pages through the Signature Manifestation feature.

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eSignature Template

See Signature Page Template.


Vault eTMF is an end-to-end application to manage the set of documents contained within a Trial Master File (TMF).

Expected Document List

An Expected Document List, or EDL, is a collection of EDL Item object records. These object records represent documents that are expected for a task, workflow, study, etc. The EDL measures completeness by matching documents to EDL Items.

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External User

External User is a license type for users outside your company who have slightly limited access; these users have most functionality, but cannot use reports, use dashboards, or provide eSignatures. Note that the domain in the user’s email address cannot match the Vault’s licensing domain.

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External Viewer

The external viewer is a document viewer that non-Vault users can access to view documents shared with them by Vault users.

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Federated ID

Federated ID allows Vault to associate the user with an external user ID for Single Sign-on or other system integration purposes.

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Fields include both Admin-configurable and standard fields which hold additional details/metadata for each document or object; document fields can apply to all documents or specific document types/subtypes/classifications and can be required/optional.

Field Default

See Object Field Default.

Field Layout

The field layout defines how the document fields and field sections are displayed in the Doc Info page. This is Admin-configurable.

Field Level Security (FLS) On Documents

Field-level security allows Admins to set fields as read-only, hidden, or editable for specific users or groups. Field-level security can only further restrict security applied at the document level via the security matrix and sharing settings. It cannot give a user more permissions on a specific field than they would otherwise have.

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Field Level Security (FLS) On Objects

Field-level security allows Admins to set fields as read-only, hidden, or editable for specific groups. Field-level security can only further restrict security applied at the object or object record level. It cannot give a user more permissions on a specific field than they would otherwise have.

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See Field Level Security on Documents and Field Level Security on Objects.

Formula Field (Reporting)

Formula fields are custom document fields that use a formula to calculate a numeric value. These are only visible in reports, not in the Doc Info page or through the API.

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Formula Field (Objects)

Formula fields are Vault object fields of the Formula type. These fields display calculated value (evaluation of the formula expression) to object viewers. Formula object fields are read-only for all users. Because formula-type object fields are calculated at run-time, you cannot use these fields for search, filtering, or reporting.


FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. See Staging Server.

Full User

Full User is a license type for standard users. This license type does not block access to any functionality. Users with this license type may be end users or administrators. This is the only license type that allows access to Admin functionality.

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See Milestone Gating.

Gear Menu

See Actions Menu.


See UTC.


A group is simply a named list of users. By defining groups that reflect the teams and business functions in your company and assigning those groups to document roles, you can manage document access more easily.

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GxP is an acronym for Good “X” Practices, where “X” could be Clinical, Manufacturing, Laboratory, etc.; this is a general term used in life sciences used to describe the standard practices to be followed by a company to ensure compliance with regulatory and corporate standards.


High Volume Object (HVO)

See Raw Object.

Home Page

See Home Tab.

Home Tab

The Home tab is the area that Vault typically loads when a user logs in, also called “Vault Home.” From here, users access their assigned tasks, notifications, and active workflows. Note that this is called the Tasks tab on some Vaults.

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Hot Folder

See Unclassified Document Creation through the File Staging Server.

Hover Card

See Hovercard.


When hovering over certain elements (document names, object labels, etc.) for more than a second, Vault displays a summary of the element’s information in a small pop-up “hovercard”. These are available in many areas of Vault, including Library, Home, and Reports tabs. In the Doc Info page, hovercards display for object-type document fields (Product, Study, etc.) and for selected users. The ability to view information in a hovercard or to click through (when available) to its source is controlled by user permissions.


Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a communications protocol for secure communication over a computer network, with especially wide deployment on the Internet. Technically, it is not a protocol in and of itself; rather, it is the result of simply layering the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) on top of the TLS protocol, thus adding the security capabilities of TLS to standard HTTP communications. The main motivation for HTTPS is to prevent wiretapping and man-in-the-middle attacks.


Identity Provider

An Identity Provider (IdP), also known as Identity Assertion Provider, is responsible for issuing identification certificate and the entity responsible for authenticating a user before allowing the user access to Vault via Single Sign-on (SSO). See Single Sign-on below for more information.

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Identity Provider Certificate

See Identity Provider.

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See Identity Provider.

Inbound Package

See Configuration Migration Packages.

Inbox Directory

See Unclassified Document Creation through the File Staging Server.

Integration User

In Vault’s various integration features, an “integration user” is a user account set up for use by the integration. For example, if an integration syncs documents, the new document creation or versioning action occurs using the integration user’s account and is subject to that user’s security settings, etc. The audit logs attribute these actions to the integration user.


Java SDK Service Account User

Similar to the System and Application Owner users, the Java SDK Service Account user appears in your Vault to run Vault Java SDK custom solutions. This user is not included in license counts.


A join can refer to several different functionalities within Vault.

  • A Join object relates two or more objects in a many-to-many relationship.
  • A Join step in a workflow merges two separate paths in a workflow. This is useful if your workflows contain steps that branch based on verdict decisions.
  • A Join type defines what information is included from the report views defined in a Multi-Pass report. For example, a left join indicates that the Multi-Pass report should show all records from the report view on the left side of the relationship, and only records with matching fields from the report view on the right side of the relationship.

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Legal Hold is a type of object that preserves documents involved with litigation. Documents under legal hold are preserved in such a way that no content can be deleted yet the business can continue leveraging documents across authoring, workflow, and lifecycle activities.

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A “license” typically grants one user access to one application. Some Vaults may share the total number of licenses through “pooling.” In multi-application Vaults, each user-application relationship uses one license. See About License Types & Security Profiles.

License Type

License type is a user attribute that Vault uses as the first level of access control for the user. License type trumps any access granted through the user’s security profile or through a document’s sharing settings and security matrix.

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See Document Lifecycle or Object Lifecycle.

Lifecycle Stages

Lifecycle Stages allow organizations to group document and object lifecycle states into ordered collections of stages. Vault then visually represents a document or object record’s current stage in the Doc Info page and object record detail page through the Lifecycle Stages Chevron panel.

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Lifecycle Stage Group

See Lifecycle Stages.

Stage Group

See Lifecycle Stages.

Lifecycle Stages Chevron Panel

See Lifecycle Stages.

Lifecycle State

See Document Lifecycle State or Object Lifecycle State.

Lifecycle State Entry Actions

A lifecycle state’s entry actions are a configurable set of system actions that Vault automatically performs on a document or object record when it enters the lifecycle state. Admins can set up entry actions for each individual lifecycle state. Available actions are different for object and document lifecycles. For documents, these include sending notifications, deleting annotations, and setting date fields on the document. For object records, these include sending notifications.

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Lifecycle State Entry Criteria

A lifecycle state’s entry criteria are a configurable set of conditions that a document or object record must meet before moving into the state. For example, to enter In Review state, a document must have a viewable rendition. When users move a document or object record from one state to another, Vault confirms that it meets the new state’s entry criteria and does not allow the change until the criteria are fulfilled.

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Lifecycle State User Actions

User actions for lifecycle states are configurable actions that allow users can perform on documents or object records. For documents, these include starting workflows and moving documents to other states. Additional types of user actions are available for specific features and applications, for example, Send to CLM for the CLM Integration feature. For object records, user actions can move the record to another state or execute a custom action.

Once active, user actions appear in the Actions menu for documents/binders or object records that are in the selected state.

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Local Currency

Local Currency (local_currency__sys) is a setting on object records that include a Currency-type field. It determines the specific currency of currency field values, and also determines the conversion rate that Vault uses for calculating the related corporate currency field values. See Setting Up Currency Fields.


Locale is a user-level setting related to localization and the user’s language. This setting controls the display of dates and numbers.

Login Audit History

The Login Audit History page displays the history of user authentication events for a particular Vault, including users’ logins, failed login attempts, and password changes; for each event, users can see the timestamp, user making the change, affected item, and description.

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Login Message

The login message appears in a pop-up dialog for every user upon logging into a Vault; general uses include displaying corporate privacy policies and “safe harbor” messages.

Long Text Field

Long Text fields are special text fields on objects that allow users to enter up to 32,000 characters. Admins cannot use tokens for long text fields in overlays, signature pages, or messages. You cannot convert an existing text field into a long text field.

Lookup Field

A lookup field is a field that propagates values from a parent or referenced object to a child object, referring object, or document. This allows users to view additional relevant information from a parent or referenced object record.

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Major Version

See Document Version Number.

Manual Assignment

For objects that use Dynamic Access Control, manual assignment is the way to add users/groups directly to roles on a specific object record, without setting up sharing rules.

For documents, manual assignment is the variety of ways to put users in document roles without using Dynamic Access Control.

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Manual Matching

Manual Matching is an Expected Document List (EDL) feature that enables you to manually match and unmatch documents on an EDL Item, lock an EDL Item match to a specific document version, and exclude matched documents from completeness counts.

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See Date Mask.

Matching Sharing Rules (Documents)

Matching sharing rules are part of Dynamic Access Control (DAC) for documents. They provide access control at the document level. When a document uses custom or matching sharing rules, Vault introduces new roles on the document. These roles control the amount of access a user has on the document.

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Matching Sharing Rules (Objects)

Matching sharing rules are part of Dynamic Access Control (DAC) for objects. They provide access control at the object-record level. When an object uses custom or matching sharing rules, Vault introduces new roles on the object records. These roles control the amount of access a user has on the object record.

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Vault MedComms is an end-to-end application to manage medical affairs content, such as literature references, advisory board materials, responses associated with medical information inquiries, health economics outcomes research, and medical grants.


See User Mentions.

Merge Fields

Merge Fields is a standard, shared document field with two functions. By associating the field to a document type, Admins indicate that the document type supports the Merge Fields for MS Word feature. Vault will auto-populate this Yes/No field based on the contents of a document’s source file. Learn more.


“Metadata” in Vault generally refers to information about a document other than the document’s source file, like document field values.

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Minor Version

See Document Version Number.

Multi-Application Vault

A multi-application Vault includes features and the data model from multiple applications within an application family, for example, a RIM Vault that includes both Submissions and Registrations.

Multichannel Presentation

A Multichannel Presentation is a document type label for binders representing presentations for multichannel content.

Multichannel Slide

A Multichannel Slide is a document representing individual slides for multichannel content. Multichannel slides can be added to multichannel presentations.

Multilingual Labels

As part of Vault localization, Admins can enter or import (Bulk Translation feature) multilingual labels for various configurable elements, including documents fields, templates, and roles.

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My Collections

My Collections is a past feature name for Cart.

My Vaults

The My Vaults page provides valuable tools for multi-Vault domains and cross-domain users, enabling you to find documents more quickly and see open tasks across your Vaults. This feature is sometimes called “Enterprise Home”.



Namespace or “namespace suffix” refers to the portion of an element name (field, relationship type, rendition type, etc.) that indicates whether it is system, standard, or custom. For example, approval_date__c would be a custom field, whereas approval_date__v would be a standard field specific to an application family.

The system namespace refers to a set of Vault objects, such as user__sys, and fields available for all Vault applications and configurations.

Some legacy fields may have an application specific namespace, such as __rim, but these namespaces are no longer created in Vault.

Network Access Rules

Network access rules allow Admins to limit the IP addresses from which specific users can log into Vault, based on those users’ security policies. Each rule can apply to either a single IP address or an IP range. Network access rules are configured at the domain level.

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Non-Vault User

A non-Vault user is a person accessing documents through Vault who does not have a user account. These users can only view documents sent using the Send as Link feature.

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Objects (similar to “catalogs” in previous versions) are a customizable and extensible part of the application data model. They allow you to create a type of item (an object) and individual instances of that item (an object record). Each instance then has its own set of metadata values. In some ways, objects function similarly to picklist document fields, but with additional metadata. For example, Product is an object. When users select a product for a document, they also associate all of that product’s metadata (compound ID, therapeutic area, etc.) with the document.

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Object Class

An object class is a classification of object that can apply to multiple objects at once. Most objects are in the Base Object class, but Vault includes User Role Setup, User Task, and Legal Hold object classes. Object classes are system-managed. Each object within an object class can have its own configuration, relationships, and fields, but each object also has a common set of fields defined by the object class.

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Object Field Default

An object field default is an Admin-defined formula or value for a field that Vault uses to populate the field on object record creation or save.

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Object Record

Each Vault has a data model consisting of objects, their fields, and their relationships. Object records are pieces of data within this model. For example, Product is a standard Vault object, while WonderDrug is a record for that object.

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Object Lifecycle

An object lifecycle is the sequence of states (In Approval, Approved, etc.) that an object record may go through during its life. Each state can have associated user actions and entry actions. An object lifecycle may be configured for most objects in your Vault, but not all objects use lifecycles.

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Object Lifecycle State

Object lifecycles are a sequences of states (In Approval, Approved, etc.) that an object record may go through during its life. For each individual state, Admins can configure various settings, including entry actions and user-initiated actions. States are linked to the object record’s Status, so some states will make a record active, while others will make it inactive.

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Object Page Layouts

Admins can configure object page layouts to show related objects and documents, so each object record becomes the central location for browsing, creating, and editing related information.

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Object Record Role

For objects using Dynamic Access Control, these are system-defined roles (Viewer, Editor, Owner) on each object record that control access to the record, including access to select the record when editing document fields.

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Object Record Sharing Settings

For objects that use Dynamic Access Control, Sharing Settings is a section in the object record details that shows all sharing rules and manual role assignments that apply to the record.

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Object Record Validation Rules

Validation rules for object records contain a formula or expression that evaluates the user-entered data on a field and returns “True,” meaning that the data is valid, or “False,” meaning that the data is invalid.

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Object Reference

Vault objects can have various relationships including parent-child (hierarchical) and reference (non-hierarchical) relationships. Reference relationships can point to another object or back to the same object (self-referencing). Standard, system-managed objects can only be in reference relationships or in parent-child relationships as parents.

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Object Type

An object type is a collection of fields that are grouped to capture similar but not identical data within a single object. Object types may share fields, but each also has data specific to its business purpose. Object types must be enabled and set up for individual objects.

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OCR (Optical Character Recognition) extracts, and indexes text within scanned image and PDF source files. It then incorporates the text into the viewable rendition to support both text annotations and search within the document viewer. This process can only extract typed, English-language text.

When extracting text, Vault assigns a confidence score based on how well the characters match and how readable the document is. In some cases, Vault will not index text because the confidence score is too low.

On-Demand Matching

On-Demand Matching is the use of the Match Documents action to immediately find matching documents and update counts and completeness for a specific EDL Item.

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Optional Workflow Task

Optional tasks are those which an Admin set as optional during legacy workflow step configuration. When a task in a legacy workflow is marked as “optional,” the user who starts the workflow can choose whether to include that task or not. The ability to skip tasks is useful when a document has been through a workflow more than once and you do not want to repeat completed tasks.

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Outbound Package

See Configuration Migration Packages.


Overlays dynamically apply information to a viewable rendition when users download it from Vault. This information can appear in the header, footer, and/or diagonally across the page, but only appears on downloaded renditions and does not affect source files.

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Overlay Template

See Overlay.


See Document Owner or Object Record Role.



See Configuration Migration Packages or Distribution Package.

Package Comparison

Package comparison helps Admins using Configuration Migration Packages to see the difference between their current configuration and that of an inbound package. See Using Configuration Migration Packages.


“Permission” can refer to two different types of permissions. The first type of permission is applied through a permission set and security profile or user role. These permissions grant application-level access, for example, access to create reports or view the Admin > Settings > General Settings page. The second type of permission is applied through document roles. These permissions grant document-level access, for example, users in the Owner role for a document in Draft state can upload a new source file for that document. Permissions granted to each document role vary based on the document’s lifecycle state.

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Permission Set

Permission sets allow organizations to grant application-level access to certain features, particularly system administration functions such as user management or object record creation. Vault applies permission sets to individual users through the users’ security profiles or user roles.

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Picklists allow users to select a value for a field from a range of predefined options.

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Planned Document

A planned document is any document in Planned lifecycle state, generally placeholders created as part of a binder template.

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Power Delete

Power Delete is a permission that allows users to delete documents even if they are restricted.

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Preferred Currency

Preferred Currency (preferred_currency__sys) is a user setting that determines the default currency for object records that include a Currency-type field. See Setting Up Currency Fields.


Vault pre-release is a three- to four-week period prior to the general availability of a new version. During this period, customers have an opportunity to explore the new version in a “pre-release Vault” based on their production configurations. See Pre-Release FAQ.

Preserved Documents

Preserved documents are documents under an active, approved legal hold. A preserved document and its components cannot be deleted.

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Primary Navigation Bar

The primary navigation bar is the orange bar that appears near the top of the page in Vault. Both your permissions and your Vault’s configuration can modify what appears in this bar, but many users see at least Home, Library, Reports, and Dashboards. If your Vault uses custom tabs, you may see additional options or the options may appear in a different order.


PromoMats is a Vault application to manage the process of creating, reviewing, and approving promotional materials, claims, and supporting information.

Public Key

Public keys are names that developers can use to access objects, fields, relationships, etc. through the API. For example, status__v for the Status field. In the Admin area, these values are typically called “names.”

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Quality is a Vault application family for life sciences organizations that includes QualityDocs, QMS, and Vault Training.


Vault QMS (Quality Management System) is an application that manages global quality processes across an organization and its external partners. It is part of the Quality application family.


QualityDocs is an end-to-end application to manage documentation associated with a quality system. Vault QualityDocs provides administration functionality to define product details along with associated country specific details. It is part of the Quality application family.


RAW Files

RAW files are camera file types. PromoMats Vaults can create viewable renditions for RAW files.

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Raw Object

Raw objects are objects that use the Raw data store option. There are some limitations on how you can search raw objects, but they can have more records than standard Vault objects and have increased performance with large numbers of records.

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Read & Understand

See Read & Understood.

Read & Understood

Read & Understood (R&U) refers to a set of functionality in Vault designed to support training and compliance processes that require users to read documents and verify they’ve done so. Documents are assigned to users through tasks in a Read & Understood workflow.

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Read & Understood Workflow

Read & Understood workflows have a special workflow type that allows you to assign Read & Understood tasks to users. See Read & Understood.

Read-Only User

Read-Only User is a license type for users with extremely limited access. These users can only view documents (including annotations), download documents, and participate in Read & Understood workflows.

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Reclassifying a document refers to changing the document type, subtype, and or classification after it has been created.

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See Object Record.

Record Type

See Object and Object Record.

Reference Constraints

An Admin can use a VQL-type expression to define a reference constraint on an object reference field to restrict the list of valid records a user can select. Static reference constraints restrict the list of available records based on a defined, static value. Dynamic reference constraints restrict the list of available records based on the selected value of a controlling field. The reference field with a dynamic constraint defined is the controlled field, while the field used in the constraint criteria is the controlling field.

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Document references allow you to link specific pages or paragraphs between documents.

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When establishing a reference link, you can optionally provide a comment or annotation.

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Vault indexes document content, document fields, object fields, and object sharing settings to facilitate quick searching and to effectively apply access control. When values change, Vault must update this index by reindexing. Reindexing is an asynchronous process and the amount of time depends on the number of documents or object records that are affected by the change.

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Renditions are files, other than the source file, that are attached to documents. A document can have multiple renditions.

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Required Field

A required field is one that the user must fill in before continuing a process, usually document or object record creation. Admins can make document and object fields required by selecting the User must always enter a value setting in the field configuration.

Rich Text Field

Rich Text fields are special text fields on objects that allow users to enter up to 32,000 characters and apply common formatting options, font family, size, bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, superscript, subscript, color, blockquote, alignment, lists, special characters, and links.


See Document Role or Object Record Role.



Safety is a Vault application family. Vault Safety unifies pharmacovigilance systems and processes on a single cloud platform to deliver proactive patient safety.


Sandbox Vaults are copies of your production Vault, which your organization can use to develop and test configuration changes, data migrations, and integrations, without affecting your production Vault and users. See Administering Sandbox Vaults.

Security Matrix

The security matrix is a settings panel within the document lifecycle state configuration screens that shows and allows editing of the document permissions available to each role for the lifecycle state.

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Security Policy

Security policies allow you create and manage password policies for users. These settings control password requirements, expiration period, reuse policy, security question policy, and delegated authentication via Salesforce.com.

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Security Profile

Security profiles are how Vault applies permission sets to individual users. Each profile has one or more associated permission sets.

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Service Provider

A Service Provider is an application, such as Vault, to which the Identity Provider (IdP) gives users access when using Single Sign-on (SSO). See Single Sign-on below for more information.

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Shared Field

A shared field can apply to multiple document types across the document type hierarchy, rather than only to a single type/subtype/classification and its sub-levels.

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Sharing Rules

For objects that use Dynamic Access Control, sharing rules are a systematic way of assigning users/groups to roles on object data records. Unlike manual assignment, these rules use an Admin-defined query to dynamically select the records to which Vault will apply a specific sharing setting.

For document lifecycle roles that use Dynamic Access Control, sharing rules are a systematic way of mapping Auto Managed Groups to specific lifecycle roles so that user roles are more systematic.

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Sharing Settings

See Document Sharing Settings or Object Record Sharing Settings.

Signature Page

A signature page is an auto-generated page showing electronic signatures for a document. When generated, signature pages are attached to viewable renditions. The signature page template, assigned at the lifecycle level, determines what information displays on a signature page.

Signature Page Template

Signature page templates determine what information displays on a signature page. Admins configured these templates at the lifecycle level.

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Single Sign-on

Single Sign-on (SSO) allows users to access all authorized applications without having to log in separately to each application. Vault supports IdP- (identity provider) initiated SSO using Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) and SP- (service provider) initiated SAML SSO.

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See Veeva Snap.


See Service Provider.

SP-Initiated Request

When using Single Sign-on, a sign-on request that initiates from the service provider, rather than from the identity provider. See Single Sign-on above for more information.

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SSL Certificate

Vault uses an SSL certificate to secure data between Vault and your web browser. The SSL certificate is a cryptographic key that activates the HTTPs protocol and padlock within the browser and web server, allowing for more secure connections.

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See Single Sign-on.

Staging Server

Each Vault in your domain has its own file staging server. This is a temporary storage area for files that you’re loading. Vault also uses the staging server to store files that you extract. You can access your staging server using your favorite FTP (file transfer protocol) client, the Vault REST API, or through the command line.

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Standard Connection

This is a Veeva-configured connection between separate Vaults using the Spark messaging framework. These connections are often for cross-domain communication involving a specific workflow or data exchange between Vaults.

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Standard Field

A standard field is a document property that is “standard” or “system_managed” in a Vault; standard properties vary by Vault application.

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Station Manager

Station Manager is a mobile application for Android tablets that allows workers in manufacturing facilities to view documents on shared devices. Vault Station Manager is available for customers with the Quality application suite.


Subtype is the second level in the document type structure (Type > Subtype > Classification).

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System Audit History

The System Audit History page displays Vault-level configuration and settings changes, for example, updates to document types, workflows, or products; for each event, users can see the timestamp, user making the change, affected item, and description.

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System User

The System user, or System, performs various processes for your application. For example, event and entry actions execute as the System user, allowing the action to take place despite the permissions of the user who initiated the action. The System user is not included in license counts.


Tab Collection

Tab collections are groups of related tabs relevant to particular roles or tasks. When you view a tab collection, Vault displays its tabs in the primary navigation bar.

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Tabular View

Tabular View is a Library layout that functions like a spreadsheet; users can resize or rearrange columns, add columns, sort by column values, and export document metadata.

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A task or workflow task is a step within a workflow that must be assigned to a user and which the user must complete in order for the workflow to progress. Users can view their own assigned tasks from Home > My Tasks.

For the definition of User Task (records with the User Task object class), see User Task.

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Vault includes several different kinds of templates. Document and binder templates allow quick creation of new documents or binders from a configured template. When users create the new document/binder, Vault copies the template structure and uses that copy as the starting structure for the new document/binder. Overlay templates are similar to document watermarks and contain information applied to a viewable rendition when users download it from Vault.

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Tile View

Tile View is a Library layout that organizes documents into columns and rows, where each tile shows a document thumbnail and important document fields.

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Tokens are pieces of text with a specific format that Vault replaces with the values the token represents. They use the format ${tokenName}. For document fields, the token name is the public key (name) of the field.

Security tokens are used to prove one’s identity electronically (as in the case of a customer trying to access their bank account). The token is used in addition to or in place of a password to prove that the customer is who they claim to be. The token acts like an electronic key to access something.

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Unclassified Document

Unclassified documents have a source file, but no document type. By skipping the steps to classify the document (assign a document type) and populate document field, you can upload source files and create documents more quickly. Learn more in About Unclassified Documents.

Unclassified Document Creation through the File Staging Server

Using the Inbox directory on your Vault’s file staging server, you can upload source files and special Large Size Asset renditions to create unclassified documents. Learn more in Uploading Large Size Asset Renditions.

Unique Field

A “unique” field is an object field with the Value must be unique setting on. Unique fields must have a value that does not match that of another record in the same object. In objects with a parent relationship, unique fields must have a unique value among records with the same parent.

Up Object

A “up” object is an object related to a primary reporting object. The up object is related by a reference or parent relationship.

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User Mention

A user mention is a way to notify a person about a specific annotation on a document. By typing “@” and their name, you can “mention” another user in an annotation. After you save the annotation, Vault sends the mentioned user a notification.

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User Object

See User Reference Field.

User Reference Field

A field on an object that references the Vault’s users. Although User is not a true object, Admins create a user reference field using the Object field type. Unlike any other object reference field, this does not create a relationship between the selected user and the object record.

User Role Constraint

A User Role Constraint is a type of object that restricts role assignments by defining a list of roles allowed for a user. Users are allowed, but not automatically assigned, to have these roles. Once you have configured a User Role Constraint, you can’t save User Role Setup object records that don’t match a User Role Constraint.

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User Task

A user task is an object record with the User Task object class applied. User tasks represent individual units of work. In your Vault, you can configure multiple user task objects by using the User Task object class. You can then create and assign tasks ad hoc. You can view tasks assigned to you from Home > My Tasks.

For a definition of tasks associated with workflows, see Task.

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User Type

In past releases, user type was a user attribute that combined the functions of the license type, security profile, and permission set. As of V10, user type no longer exists in Vault. However, there are standard security profiles and permission sets that apply the same security settings and are named for the now-defunct user types.

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Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time. It is one of several closely related successors to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). All times in Vault are stored in UTC and displayed according to the current user’s time zone. To obtain your local time, you need to subtract a certain number of hours from UTC depending on how many time zones you are away from Greenwich (England).

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Vault is a cloud-based Content Management System (CMS) developed by Veeva Systems. Vault is delivered to customers via Software as a Service (SaaS) and used to produce and manage the multitude of regulated documents that are required as part of the Life Sciences Industry product lifecycle, from development through marketing.

A company using Vault can have one or more domains and a domain can contain one or more Vaults. Domains with more than one Vault are often called “multi-Vault domains.”

Vault currently includes the following applications families: MedComms, Clinical Operations, Quality, Regulatory, Safety, SiteVault Enterprise, QualityOne, RegulatoryOne, Veeva Claims, and Platform.

Vault Checkout

See Vault File Manager.

Vault File Manager

If you use Windows 7 or later, you can install the Vault File ManagerCheckout client for Windows. This client supports bulk document checkout, provides a convenient interface for seeing your checked out documents, and allows you to work offline without losing track of files. You can also use the client to check documents in when you’re finished editing.

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Vault ID

Vault ID is a unique identifier providing a reference to a specific Vault instance within a domain.

Vault Loader

Vault Loader allows you to load data to your Vault or extract data from your Vault in bulk. Loader is particularly useful during migrations and on-boarding.

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Vault Query Language

Vault Query Language (VQL) is Vault’s API query language. When an application invokes the query call, it passes in a VQL statement (a SQL-like query) that specifies the objects to query, the fields to retrieve, and the filters to apply. Refer to the API Help site for detailed information.

Vault Snap

See Veeva Snap.

Veeva Snap

Veeva Snap is a mobile application for iOS devices (iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch) that allows you to securely scan and upload documents to your Vaults using your device’s camera.

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Veeva Web2PDF

Veeva Web2PDF is a free tool that converts websites to PDFs.

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Version Lock

When Vault matches a document to an Expected Document List Item record, you can choose to version lock that matched document. After you lock a matched document to a specific version, the automatic matching job will not update or replace it, even if there are more recent versions or if a document enters a Superseded lifecycle state. Vault will only remove or replace the locked version if the matching fields on the locked document version no longer match those on the EDL Item.

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Viewable Rendition

A viewable rendition is a PDF file (generally generated by Vault, but sometimes uploaded) that displays in the Doc Info page’s viewer.

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See Document Viewer, Document Role, or Object Record Role.


Vault Management Console – An internal tool used to provision domains and Vaults.


VPK (or .vpk) is the file type of configuration migration packages.

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See Vault Query Language.



See Veeva Web2PDF.

Web Action

A web action is an admin configured action with which a user can perform a context-sensitive task inside or outside of Vault. Web actions take the form of web links (URLs) which can use tokens for document/object fields and additional details.

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Where Used

The Where Used view shows all inbound relationships or binder links for a specific document.

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A workflow is a series of steps configured in Vault to align with specific business processes. The different types of steps offer a flexible way to organize a wide variety of processes for a document, including assigning tasks to users, sending notifications and changing document status.

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Workflow Cancel State

This is the state that a document or object record returns to when users cancel an in-progress workflow. In document lifecycles, Admins set a specific cancel state for each lifecycle state. In object workflows, object records return to the state they were in when the workflow started.

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Workflow Content

Workflow content refers to the documents or object records on which a specific workflow is active. In a document workflow, this is all documents in the workflow.

Workflow Owner

The user who initiates the document or object workflow. This user manages many different aspects of the workflow, such as adding users and groups to the workflow, assigning tasks to users and groups, and configuring task due dates. You can replace the owner of an active workflow if you have the Replace Workflow Owner permission.

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Workflow Segregation of Duties

Segregation of Duties are policies that allow Admins to prevent each individual workflow participant from completing multiple tasks and restrict a user role from completing any tasks in the workflow.

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Workflow Start Dialog

The workflow start dialog is the window that users see when starting a workflow. From this dialog, the workflow owner can assign users to roles that will have workflow tasks, create due dates, and make various other choices, depending on the Admin configuration of the workflow’s Start set.

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Workflow Step

Workflow steps define all the actions within a workflow, whether they are user actions like providing electronic signatures or system actions like sending notifications.

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