You can review, create, and update SDK Job Metadata components from Admin > Operations > SDK Job Metadata. Access to this area is controlled by the Admin: Operations and Admin: Jobs permissions.

Every class implemented using the Job interface must be associated to the required Jobmetadata component, which is invoked when the job runs. The component can be managed via the UI or MDL. Learn more about the Jobmetadata component on the Developer Portal.

When viewing SDK Job Metadata, you may see Vault-supplied SDK jobs which work to deliver various features and have Standard set for the Source. These are read-only.

How to Create SDK Job Metadata

To create SDK Job Metadata:

  1. Click Create.
  2. Enter a human-friendly Label for Vault users.
  3. Optional: Change the automatically generated Name if desired. All custom components end with __c.
  4. Select a Status. The configuration is not available for use unless the Status is Active.
  5. Define the number of job items to process in each task by setting Chunk Size. Minimum chunk is 1 and maximum is 500.
  6. Optional: Use Single Instance States to define a state or states as a single instance. Only one instance of a job is allowed to be in a single instance state at any given time. Use the dropdown to select one or more of the available states.
  7. Optional: Enter a Description of the job to display to Administrators in the UI.
  8. Select the Job Code this job will execute. Job processors are created by your organization and deployed to your Vault using the Vault Java SDK. You can view the details of the job processors currently deployed to your Vault from Admin > Configuration > Job Processors. Learn more about Vault Java SDK jobs in the Developer Portal.
  9. Select a Queue, either the default System queue or a custom SDK job queue.
  10. Click Save.

How to Delete SDK Job Metadata

To delete SDK Job Metadata, select Delete from the gear icon’s All Actions menu. Note that you cannot delete SDK Job Metadata if it is referenced by a custom SDK job queue.