Union-All reports allow you to combine reporting objects into a single object and display the results as stacked rows in the same columns. You can also join union-all report views with other views using a Multi-Pass report.

You can “union” up to ten (10) report objects and add up to 250 fields. Unioned objects behave as a single object in reports.

Creating Union-All Reports

To create a union-all report type:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Configuration > Report Types.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Enter a Label.
  4. Enter a Name.
  5. In the Class drop-down, select Union-All.
  6. Click + Object and select an object from the drop-down. You can remove objects by clicking .
  7. Select the applicable field(s) in the drop-down menu. Click to add additional rows.
  8. Enter a Union Field Name.
  9. Optional: Click Reorder and drag and drop the objects to reposition them. You can also drag and drop fields.
  10. Click Save.

Next, create a report view:

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Report Views.
  2. Click Create, then select the union-all report type you created.
  3. Provide a Name.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. Optional: Add formula fields to your Report View.
  6. Optional: Add Filters to your Report View. Filter conditions are applied, but not shown, when you run the final report.
  7. Optional: Define columns in your Report View with Edit Columns. You can choose from unioned fields defined by the report type or non-unionized fields belonging to specific objects. Columns added to your Report View will appear as default columns, however, all columns will be available for selection.
  8. Optional: Group rows by a desired field.
  9. Optional: Run the Report View to preview data.
  10. Click Save.

Lastly, add the union-all report to a Multi-Pass report type in order for users to run the report:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Configuration > Report Types.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Enter a Label.
  4. Enter a Name.
  5. In the Class drop-down, select Multi-Pass.
  6. In the Report Entity drop-down, choose your union-all report view.
  7. Optional: You can choose to join this view with other available report views.
  8. Click Save.

Formula Fields

Formula fields allow you to define formulas in your Union-All reports. You can add formula fields as columns in your report, and use formulas for grouping, sorting, and filtering. You can also use formula fields to define conditional fields and report filters.

You can add a maximum of ten (10) formula fields on each report view.

To define a formula:

  1. Under Formula Fields, select Create Formula Field.
  2. Select a Report View.
  3. Enter a Label.
  4. Select a Return Type. If you select the Text return type, also enter a Maximum Length.
  5. Enter a Formula Expression. For more detailed instructions on writing the formula expression, see Creating Formulas in Vault.
  6. Click Check Syntax. Vault will let you know if your expression is valid.
  7. Click Save.

To edit or delete a formula field, click the formula label. You can define up to three (3) formula fields per Union-All report. This does not include formula fields defined in report views.

Validating Union-All Reports

Vault supports one-to-one mapping on union-all reports and will not validate the report if you do not select an object or enter a Union Field Name.

Vault supports the following data type mapping:

Data Type Data Type Supported
Text Text
Number Number
Date Date
DateTime DateTime
Yes/No Yes/No
Picklist Picklist*
Object Object*
Parent Object Parent Object, Object
Lookup Based on return type
Formula Based on return type
Currency Currency
Long Text Long Text
Rich Text Rich Text

* The Picklist and Object data types only support the same picklists and objects as return data types.

Example Usage

A common example for using union-all reports includes usage in Quality Vaults. For example, you could treat all Quality Event objects as one object, and join that object to a union of all Quality Team Member objects.

This demo shows how to accomplish this use case by using formula fields and union-all report types.

24R1 Union-all Report Type Enhancements Demo

Demo covering Union-all report type enhancements in 24R1.


The following limitations apply to union-all reports:

  • You cannot create a standard report using the union-all report type.
  • You can add a maximum of 250 total fields on a union-all report type.