To support the heavy reuse of key documents typical in many Vaults, we’ve created a flexible system for auto-filing documents into binders. This auto-filing feature is particularly useful in PromoMats and Submissions Vaults, but is available in all applications, excluding Clinical Operations.

From the All Actions menu of a binder, you can auto-file documents to the binder using the Auto-File Documents or Refresh Auto-Filing actions. For every section configured to auto-file, Vault searches the Library and assigns documents with matching field values. You can filter the contents of a binder to show only auto-filed documents or only manually-filed documents.

How Auto-Filing Works

This action evaluates the existing contents of the binder as well as all documents in the Library, and then adds/removes documents accordingly. Vault cannot remove documents from a binder if they are version-bound, or if a user manually added them to the binder. Planned documents included in the binder template are considered manually filed documents. When viewing a document, you can find the date a binder was last auto-filed and who performed the action in the Last Filed By field.

When you trigger auto-filing, Vault finds and files all matching documents that you can access in the Library for each binder section, including those that already belong to another binder.

For example, suppose you created a binder that is configured to auto-file all documents for a product. Depending on your Vault’s configuration, Vault may propagate the binder’s filing rules with the product record whose related documents Vault will auto-file. Otherwise, you would select a product value in this binder’s Filing Rules. Vault adds all documents that you have access to and where the product field value matches the value selected in the filing rules.

How to Trigger Auto-Filing

Vault does not automatically trigger auto-filing when users create or edit documents and binders. To trigger auto-filing for a specific binder, choose Auto-File Documents or Refresh Auto-Filing from the binder’s All Actions menu. Vault sends you a notification when the process is complete.

How to Set Up an Auto-Filing Binder

To use auto-filing, an Admin must first configure an auto-filing binder template. Then, users create binders from the configured template and provide values for assigned fields.

  1. Create a binder from a template configured for auto-filing.
  2. Select Edit Binder.
  3. For each section you want auto-filed, select Set Filing Rules from the section’s Actions menu.
  4. Select Allow automatic document filing into this section for the section. If you wish to disable auto-filing for a section, you can leave this checkbox cleared.
  5. Optional: For document type, select Any document type or search for a Selected document type.
  6. Optional: Add values for the document fields selected by the template.
  7. Optional: To copy a section, select Copy Section Structure from the section’s actions menu. This will not make copies of planned documents. This copies section structure and metadata only.

Propagate Fields and Values to Subsections

Binder templates set up for auto-filing may have sections configured to Propagate fields and values to subsections. If enabled, this means the section will automatically pass on all of its fields and values to its subsections, or children. Values added this way are called propagated values.

If a new subsection is added under a parent configured to propagate, all values will propagate to this new subsection. If any section is moved within the binder hierarchy, all propagated values will update the next time auto-filing is triggered. Any values manually assigned to a section will remain unless manually removed.


Auto-filing rules cannot add more than 15,000 documents to a single binder.

Vault does not auto-file documents to a binder if the binder reaches 50,000 nodes. Binder nodes include documents, sections, and component binders. If the binder reaches 50,000 nodes during auto-filing, Vault stops auto-filing.

You cannot add more than 75 filing rules to a binder template.


Permission Label


Document Role

Edit Document

  • Ability to use the Auto-File or Refresh Auto-Filing action on a binder.
  • Ability to change a binder's Filing Mode.
  • Ability to use the Set Filing Rules action.

Document Role

View Document

Vault only files documents for which you have View Permission when you trigger auto-filing.