Configuration Migration Packages and other Vault features refer to certain elements of a Vault’s configuration as component types. Learn more about component types in the Vault Developer Portal.

Vault supports the following component types:

Component Type Name Component Type Label Applies To
Accountmessage User Account Email Vault
Atomicsecurity Atomic Security Objects
Casechildconfig Case Child Record Objects in MedInquiry Vaults
Checklisttype Checklist Type Objects
Dashboard Dashboard Documents, Objects, Other
Docfield Document Fields Documents
Docfielddependency Field Dependencies Documents
Docfieldlayout Document Field Layout Documents
Doclifecycle Document Lifecycles Documents
Documentstagegroup Document Lifecycle Stage Group Documents
Docmatchingrule Document Matching Sharing Rule Documents
Docrelationshiptype Document Relationship Types Documents
Docparticipantrule Document Participant Rules Documents
Doctype Document Types Documents
Emailprocessor Email Processor SDK Code
Formattedoutput Formatted Output Objects
Inboundemailaddress Inbound Email Address Objects
Job Job Definition Vault
Layoutprofile Layout Profile Objects
Layoutrule Layout Rule Objects
Lifecyclestatetype Lifecycle State Type Objects
Lifecyclestatetypeassociation Lifecycle State Type Association Objects
Link Web Actions Documents, Objects
Messagedeliveryeventhandler Spark Message Delivery Event Handler SDK Code
Matchingrule Matching Sharing Rules Objects
Mobileshareactionconfig Share Action Mobile Share Actions
Mobiletab Mobile Tab Vault Mobile
Notificationtemplate Document Messages, Object Messages, Login Message Documents, Objects, Vault
Object Objects Objects
Objectlifecycle Object Lifecycles Objects
Objectlifecyclestagegroup Object Lifecycle Stage Group Objects
Objecttype Object Types Objects
Objectworkflow Object Workflows Objects
Objectvalidation Object Validation Objects
Outboundemaildomain Outbound Email Domain MedInquiry, Clinical, and QMS Vaults with Outbound Email Domains enabled
Overlaytemplate Overlay Template Documents
Pagelayout Object Page Layout Objects
Permissionset Permission Sets Vault
Picklist Picklists Documents, Objects
Printableviewtestscript Printable View Test Script Quality Vaults with Vault Validation Management enabled
Qmsautomationusertemplate QMS Automation User Template Objects in Quality Vaults with QMS enabled
Qualityexternalnotification Quality External Notification Objects in Quality Vaults with QMS enabled
Qualityexternalnotificationtemplate Quality External Notification Template Objects in Quality Vaults with QMS enabled
Qualityincidentintakelayout Quality Intake Layout Objects in Quality Vaults with QMS enabled
Qualityobjectrelationshipconfig Quality Object Relationship Config Objects in Quality Vaults
Qualityrecordcheck Quality Record Check Objects in Quality Vaults
Qualityteam Quality Team Objects in Quality Vaults with QMS enabled
Queue Queue SDK Code
Recordmergeeventhandler Record Merge Event Handler SDK Code
Recordworkflowaction Record Workflow Action Objects
Relatedrecordsetup Related Record Setup Objects in Quality Vaults
Renditionprofile Rendition Profile Documents
Renditiontype Rendition Type Documents
Report Reports Documents, Objects, Other
Rimeventchangedetail RIM Event Change Detail Objects in RIM Vaults
Rimeventchangetype RIM Event Change Type Objects in RIM Vaults
Rolepermissionset Role Permission Set Vault
Reporttype Report Types Documents, Objects, Other
Sdkjob SdkJob SDK Code
Savedview Saved View Vault
Searchablefield Searchable Object Fields Objects
Searchcollection Search Collections Objects
Securityprofile Security Profiles Vault
Sharingrule Custom Sharing Rules Objects
Signaturepage Signature Page Documents
Tab Tabs Objects, Documents, Other
Tabcollection Tab Collection Vault
Vaulttoken Vault Token Vault
Visualhierarchyconfiguration Visual Hierarchy Configurations Objects
Workflow1 Document Workflows Documents
  1. When using the Workflow component type with Vault Compare, Vault only compares active document workflow versions.