Reports help you answer important business questions about documents, workflows, and object records in your Vault. For example, a report could help you identify:

  • Which users have overdue tasks
  • How long the MLR review process usually takes in your Vault
  • Statuses of each site within a study

This article covers how to build a matrix or tabular report. For details on filtering or grouping with conditional fields, see Using Report Filters.

How to Create Reports

To create a new report:

  1. From the Reports tab, click Create > Report.
  2. From the Create Report menu, select a Report Type to indicate the kind of data that your report should include. See details on report type.
  3. Click Continue.
  4. Optional: Enter a Name and Description for the report, and select any applicable Tags. If you skip this step, you can enter these details when saving the report.
  5. Make selections for the various report options.
  6. Click Continue to open the report builder. See report builder details for tabular or matrix reports.
  7. Click Run to view the results. If needed, you can return to the report builder and modify the report details.
  8. Click Save when you’re satisfied with the report.

After building the report, you may want to share or export it.

Basic Report Options

In the first screen of report creation, the options you select control the results that appear in your report and the format of the report.

Report Type

Report Type determines the “reporting objects” for the new report. For example, Document means that your report will only look at documents, whereas Product with Campaign means that your report looks at Product and Campaign records. Learn more about report types.

Document Type

By selecting a document type in the Create Report page, you:

  • Limit the documents in the report to only those with the specified document type, subtype, or classification. You can also accomplish this by creating filters in the report builder.
  • Limits the document fields available for selection as columns, filters, etc. Without a document type selected, all document fields are available. With a document type selected, only fields defined for the selected type and its subtypes or classifications are available.

Including Previous Document Versions

By default, reports only include the latest version of a document, with one row for each document. Selecting the Include previous document versions checkbox includes all previous versions of a document.

Cross-version reports include:

  • A separate row for each major and minor version you have access to which fits the report’s filters
  • A sortable and filterable Version column that combines the major and minor version numbers (0.1, 0.2, 1.0, etc.)
  • A filterable State Type field that shows the special state type (Steady, Superseded, etc.) for each document version
  • Filterable Steady State Begin and Steady State End fields indicating the first and last date on which a document version was in its lifecycle’s Steady state

This option is available for the Document, Rendition, and [Object] with Document report types.

Note that reports show only documents and versions that the report viewer can access. If necessary, you can use the Is Latest Version boolean field to differentiate between the latest and previous versions of documents in the report.

Report Format

Report format determines if a report is tabular or matrix:

  • Tabular reports show individual records in report rows and can include many columns, for example, a listing of sites by study, with site details like Status and Location.
  • Matrix reports group by values for the selected fields in both columns and rows and perform a summary calculation in the cells, for example, an average MLR review time by Coordinator and Subtype.

Document Scope

If your Vault uses the Document Archive feature, you can choose to report on either archived documents or active documents using the Document Scope selection. You will only see this option if your security profile includes the View Archive permission.

Document Scope is available for the Document report type.

Tabular Reports

In a tabular report, each row represents an individual record: a document, document version, study, product, etc. Reports with multiple reporting objects show rows grouped by the primary object. For example, a Product with Document report would show the WonderDrug product row followed by rows for each WonderDrug document, and then a row for the CholeCap product, etc.

Adding Columns

By default, new reports include a column showing the Name field for each reporting object. You can add columns to show additional fields. Some columns aren’t related to a specific field, for example, the Actions column, count column, and various workflow or task columns.

To add columns:

  1. Click Edit Column(s).
  2. In the Edit Column to Display dialog, fields are grouped and color-coded according to their related object (Product, Document, etc.).
  3. Choose fields from Available Columns and move them to Displayed Columns. The Restore link here reverts the displayed columns to the last saved values.
  4. Click Save.

Row Character Limits

Vault only allows up to 21,884 characters per row. In some cases, viewers may see the following error message when they attempt to run the report: “The total number of characters in some of the report rows exceeds the maximum. Remove some columns and run the report again.” Certain field types (picklist, object references, and user references like Created By or Workflow Owner) use a large number of characters. When creating or editing reports, be aware of how many of these fields you include; including more than ~10 could result in errors.

Setting Column Aliases

You can rename a column in the report viewer and exported report results by setting a column alias. This is only available if you select Enable filter and column aliases under Advanced Options during report creation.

To set, remove, or change a column alias:

  1. Click the pencil icon in the column header.
  2. Enter an Alias. Remove the alias by clicking Clear.
  3. Click OK.

Admins can localize column aliases using Bulk Translation export and import.

Adding Groups

Use groups to organize your documents by a specific field. You can create up to two levels of grouping, for example, you could group a document report by Product and then by Marketing Campaign.

To add a group:

  1. Click the Group rows by drop-down menu and choose a field.
  2. Add a secondary grouping by clicking Add field to group by and choosing another grouping field.
  3. Click Save.

Defining Functions on Fields

If you group rows in a tabular report, you can add several aggregate functions on text, number, and date fields. You can only select one function per field. Vault does not support aggregate functions on long or rich text fields.

Available aggregate functions include:

Aggregate Function Definition Notes
List Returns concatenated text of all row values in a group separated by a delimiter and space Displays a maximum of 1,024 characters; only available for text fields
Distinct List Returns concatenated text of all row values in a group, excluding duplicates, separated by a delimiter and space Displays a maximum of 1,024 characters; only available for text fields
Std Dev Returns the population standard deviation of expression Only available on number type fields
Std Dev Samp Returns the sample standard deviation of an expression Only available on number type fields

To add an aggregate function, click the Function drop-down on a grouping in the report editor and select a function.

Additional Summary Calculations on Number Fields

If you group rows in a tabular report, you can choose to perform summary calculations on number, date, count, and ID fields. For example, you could show the average number of pages for a specific document type by grouping on Type and selecting the Avg calculation on the Pages column.

If you rearrange columns so that the number column is the first column, the report viewer cannot show an aggregate value on that column.

Sorting Results

By default, reports sort on the Name value for the primary reporting object, for example, Product Name in the Product with Document report type. You can set a different sort order.

To sort results for the primary reporting object:

  1. Click on a column header to sort by that column. Vault sorts (ascending) by this column’s value.
  2. To sort descending, click on the column header again. The column header shows an arrow indicating the current sort (up for ascending and down for descending).
  3. Click Save.

If you apply a grouping to report rows, you can set the sort order for the groups:

  1. In the Sort groups by drop-down list, choose a sort order.
  2. Click Save.

You can also sort on any field for an up object that the primary reporting object references. For example, in a report showing marketing campaigns with documents, you could sort by the Product Approval Date. This field belongs to the Product object referenced by the Marketing Campaign object.

Setting Column Width

By defining a column width in the report builder, Vault saves the setting and applies it when any user views the report. Users can also modify column widths when viewing, but these changes are not saved.

To set column widths:

  1. Move your cursor to the line between two columns.
  2. Drag the line to resize the columns.
  3. Click Save.

Reordering Report Objects

For reports with multiple up objects, you can change the order in which objects appear to emphasize those that are most important.

  1. Click Edit Columns.
  2. In the Edit Columns to Display dialog, click a bolded object label for a primary or up object in Displayed Columns. You cannot select down objects.
  3. Click the up and down arrow buttons to move the object.
  4. Click Ok to save your object arrangement.

You’ll see your report’s new order in the report builder, the report viewer, and report exports.

This option is available for the Object report type.

Export Options

You can select whether to export reports with the full text of long text fields and rich text fields under Advanced Options > Export Options.

Matrix Reports

When building a matrix report, you select grouping fields for both the rows and columns. You also select a calculation for Vault to perform in the union of each row and column. For example, you could group rows by Subtype, group columns by Coordinator, and then average the MLR Review Time field value in the cells.

Selecting Grouping Fields

Select fields from the Group columns by and Group rows by drop-down lists.

Defining Summary Calculations

By default, a matrix report counts the number of records that match the criteria defined by the column and row fields. To use a different calculation, select a function from the picklist in the cell. When choosing a summary calculation other than Count, select a numeric, date, or ID field on which to perform the calculation, for example, average of values for MLR Review Time. You must add grouped rows to your report before adding summary calculations.

Special Columns

Most columns simply use document or object fields, but some columns are metrics specific to reports. These are only available in tabular reports.

Record Count Columns

Tabular reports offer “count” columns for each reporting object, for example, Document Count. You can display a count value as a Number or a Percent of Total. For example, in a report that groups documents by product, you could show the percentage of documents for each product, of the total documents in the report.

Distinct Record Counts

By default, Vault displays duplicate records and includes the duplicates in total counts. Duplicate records appear in reports with multiple objects and views where several objects or records use the same identifier. If you group rows in a tabular report, you can choose to view distinct record counts. In the report editor, click the Function drop-down in the ID column and select Distinct Count. You can view distinct counts as numbers or percentages. You can also sort by distinct count.

Action Columns

In some reports, you can add the Action column. This allows report viewers to access various actions from inside the report.

Actions that the report viewer does not have permission to access don’t appear in the Actions menu, but the Actions menu always appears unless the workflow is complete for Workflow reports or task is complete for Read & Understood reports.

Workflow Actions

In workflow reports, the Actions menu shows the same options as Active Workflows page or Active Workflow panel, for example, Add Participants for workflows or Reassign for tasks.

The configuration of the report determines which actions are visible: if the row in the report does not contain task-level information, the Actions menu only shows workflow options.

Distribution Actions

Distribution reports show different actions based on the type of distribution displayed. For example, for controlled copies, report viewers can update the status of the distribution to reflect recalls.

Formula Fields

Formula fields allow you to define formulas in your reports. Similar to creating an object formula field, you can select from a full list of objects or documents in the report. You can add a maximum of ten (10) formula fields on each report.

You can add formula fields as columns in your report, and use formulas for grouping, sorting, and filtering. You can also define formula fields in report views.

To define a formula:

  1. Under Formula Fields, select Create Formula Field.
  2. Select a Formula Type.
  3. Select an Object.
  4. Enter a Label.
  5. Select a Return Type.
  6. Enter a Maximum Length.
  7. Enter a Formula Expression. For more detailed instructions on writing the formula expression, see Creating Formulas in Vault.
  8. Click Check Syntax. Vault will let you know if your expression is valid.
  9. Click Save.

To edit or delete a formula field, click the formula label.

Conditional Fields

Conditional fields let you set up labels based on other field values. For example, the Status Group conditional field could look at Document Status for documents with different lifecycles and groups those statuses together: Complete label for Approved, Approved for Use, Approved for Distribution and In Progress for Pending Review, In Review, In Approval, etc. You can then use the conditional field for grouping or as a column in a tabular report. You cannot use conditional fields as filters on the report.

To define conditions:

  1. Under Conditional Fields, select Create Conditional Field.
  2. Enter a label for the conditional field.
  3. Click Create Category.
  4. Select a field, operator, and value. Note that equals must match on one field only, whereas In allows you to select multiple fields.
  5. Select a color for the label with the color palette. This colors columns, bars, and pie wedges in the dashboard.
  6. Optional: If needed, define multiple conditions by clicking Add condition. You can have up to five (5) conditions in each category.
  7. Optional: If needed, define multiple categories by clicking Create Category.
  8. Fill in the Default Category. If none of the other conditions are satisfied, default category label and color will be used.
  9. Click Save.

Reports evaluate categories in order. If a record meets conditions in the first category, Vault applies the first category’s label. If a record doesn’t meet the conditions, Vault evaluates the next category. The default category applies to records that don’t meet any of the conditions.

Enabling Filter & Column Aliases

Setting the Enable filter and column aliases checkbox under Advanced Options allows you to set aliases that appear for columns (tabular only) and filters in the report viewer and in the exported report. This option also allows you to remove the Name column for each reporting object. Aliases are particularly useful for reports sent to regulatory agencies that expect specific naming conventions for columns and filters. You can learn more about aliases in Using Report Filters.

Combining Report Prompts

Setting the Combine report prompts checkbox under Advanced Options allows Vault to combine report prompts with the same object, label, operator, and data type into one prompt, simplifying repetitive filters in complex tabular and Multi-Pass reports. Combining report prompts does not affect the report filters or exported report cover page.

Showing Inactive Fields

Setting the Show inactive fields checkbox under Advanced Options allows Vault to show inactive fields from all selected drop-downs and columns on the report. By default, the Show inactive fields checkbox is deselected. This option is only available if your reporting configuration is set to show inactive fields in reports.

Run Reports in Background

When creating or editing a report, you can choose to run the report in the background. Vault notifies you when the report results are ready to view, allowing you to continue your work while the report executes. You can click the link in the notification to access the results.

You can run a report in the background from the Reports page or from the report editing page. On the Reports page, click the Actions menu next to the report name and select Run in background. On the report editing page, click Run and select Run in background.


The following limitations apply to reports run in the background:

  • You can run up to five (5) reports in the background at one time.
  • Reports will timeout after two (2) hours.
  • Results are cached for 35 days. Cached results are user-specific.
  • Reports are limited to 100 columns.