[ { "name": "Delay2H_AvailFor6H", //Human-readable schedule identifier (must be unique within this survey) "location": "home", //[Optional] Whether the survey is expected to be done in-clinic or remotely/at-home. Options: clinic, home "description": "This schedule starts 2 hours after the participant event and makes the survey available for 6 hours. It recurs once a week for 10 weeks. The participant will receive a notification 30 minutes after the survey becomes available and every 45 minutes until they complete the survey.", //[Optional] Description of the schedule "start": { //Contains details about when to start this schedule for participants "startEvents": ["insert-event-id"], //Contains one or more event IDs that will trigger this schedule when populated for a participant. Event IDs can be copied from the Events tab in the ePRO Module. "delay": { //[Optional] Contains details about how long to wait after the startEvent before triggering this schedule (can be removed if delay is not needed) "value": 2, //The number of units to wait "unit": "hours" //The unit of time to wait. Options: seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years } }, "end": {}, //Contains details about when to start this schedule for participants "available": { //Contains details about when or for how long a survey will be available "type": "for", //Options: for, between, asNeeded ("for" schedules are available for a specified amount of time. "between" schedules are available for a specific period of time in a day. "asNeeded" schedules are available perpetually after each survey completion.) "duration": { //Contains details about how long the survey is available for (required for "for" schedules and optional for "asNeeded" schedules) "value": 6, //The number of units of the duration of the availability "unit": "hours" //The unit of time of the duration of the availability. Options: seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years }, "recurrenceRule": "INTERVAL=1;FREQ=WEEKLY;COUNT=10", //[Optional] Contains information about how often to repeat this schedule. Follows the iCal format (https://icalendar.org/iCalendar-RFC-5545/3-8-5-3-recurrence-rule.html). Options: INTERVAL, FREQ (MINUTELY, HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY), COUNT, BYSECOND, BYMINUTE, BYHOUR, BYDAY, BYMONTH, BYMONTHDAY, BY WEEKNO, BYYEARDAY, BYSETPOS, WKST) }, "notifications": [ //Contains one or more notifications that should be triggered when this schedule is triggered { "name": "30MAfterAvail", //Human-readable schedule identifier (must be unique within this survey) "template": "veeva_epro_paticipant_reminder_survey_available", //Unique ID of the template that is being sent (Only Veeva standard template are supported today. See MyVeeva Help for a list of template IDs.) "type": "available", //Options: available, due, missed ("available" notifications are sent immediately or on a delay after the task becomes available. "due" notifications are sent immediately or at a specified time before the task is due. "missed" notifications are sent immediately when the specified number of tasks have been missed.) "delay": { //[Optional] Contains details about how long to wait after the task becomes available before triggering this notification (can be removed if delay is not needed) "value": 30, //The number of units to wait (must be a positive number for "available" notifications and a negative number for "due" notifications) "unit": "minutes" //The unit of time to wait. Options: seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years }, "recurrenceRule": "INTERVAL=45;FREQ=MINUTELY" //[Optional] Contains information about how often to repeat this notifications. Follows the iCal format (https://icalendar.org/iCalendar-RFC-5545/3-8-5-3-recurrence-rule.html). Options: INTERVAL, FREQ (MINUTELY, HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY), COUNT) } ] }, { "name": "NoDelay_AvailBetween8and12", //Human-readable schedule identifier (must be unique within this survey) "location": "clinic", //[Optional] Whether the survey is expected to be done in-clinic or remotely/at-home. Options: clinic, home "description": "This schedule starts immediately after the participant event and makes the survey available between 8:00 AM and 12:00 PM. It recurs daily until the end event. The participant receives a notification 1 hour before the survey is due and after they miss 3 surveys.", //[Optional] Description of the schedule "start": { //Contains details about when to start this schedule for participants "startEvents": ["insert-event-id"], //Contains one or more event IDs that will trigger this schedule when populated for a participant. Event IDs can be copied from the Events tab in the ePRO Module. }, "available": { //Contains details about when or for how long a survey will be available "type": "between", //Options: for, between, asNeeded ("for" schedules are available for a specified amount of time. "between" schedules are available for a specific period of time in a day. "asNeeded" schedules are available perpetually after each survey completion.) "startTime": "08:00", //Specifies the time of day when this schedule should trigger. Options: Between 00:00 and 23:59 "endTime": "12:00", //Specifies the time of day when this schedule should end. Options: Between 00:00 and 23:59 (endTime can be before startTime which will assume this task should be available into the next day for the participant) "recurrenceRule": "INTERVAL=1;FREQ=DAILY", //[Optional] Contains information about how often to repeat this schedule. Follows the iCal format (https://icalendar.org/iCalendar-RFC-5545/3-8-5-3-recurrence-rule.html). Options: INTERVAL, FREQ (MINUTELY, HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY), COUNT, BYSECOND, BYMINUTE, BYHOUR, BYDAY, BYMONTH, BYMONTHDAY, BY WEEKNO, BYYEARDAY, BYSETPOS, WKST) }, "end": { //Contains details about when to start this schedule for participants "endEvents": ["insert-event-id"], //[Optional] Contains one or more event IDs that will end this schedule when populated for a participant. Event IDs can be copied from the Events tab in the ePRO Module (can be removed if no end event is needed). }, "notifications": [ //Contains one or more notifications that should be triggered when this schedule is triggered { "name": "1HBeforeDue", //Human-readable schedule identifier (must be unique within this survey) "template": "veeva_epro_participant_reminder_survey_due", //Unique ID of the template that is being sent (Only Veeva standard template are supported today. See MyVeeva Help for a list of template IDs.) "type": "due", //Options: available, due, missed ("available" notifications are sent immediately or on a delay after the task becomes available. "due" notifications are sent immediately or at a specified time before the task is due."missed" notifications are sent immediately when the specified number of tasks have been missed.) "offset": { //[Optional] Contains details about how long to wait after the task becomes available before triggering this notification (can be removed if delay is not needed) "value": -1, //The number of units to wait (must be a positive number for "available" notifications and a negative number for "due" notifications) "unit": "hours" //The unit of time to wait. Options: seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years } }, { "name": "3MissedSurveys", //Human-readable schedule identifier (must be unique within this survey) "template": "veeva_epro_participant_missed_surveys", //Unique ID of the template that is being sent (Only Veeva standard templates are supported today. See MyVeeva Help for a list of template IDs.) "type": "missed", //Options: available, due, missed ("available" notifications are sent immediately or on a delay after the task becomes available. "due" notifications are sent immediately or at a specified time before the task is due. "missed" notifications are sent immediately when the specified number of tasks have been missed.) "numMissed": 3, //Required for MISSED type. Can be any number greater than 0. 1 necessitates the "single" notification template, and greater than 1 necessitates the "multiple" notification template. } ] } ]