[ { "name": "Delay2H_AvailFor6H", "location": "home", "description": "This schedule starts 2 hours after the participant event and makes the survey available for 6 hours. It recurs once a week for 10 weeks. The participant will receive a notification 30 minutes after the survey becomes available.", "start": { "startEvents": ["insert-event-id"], "delay": { "value": 2, "unit": "hours" } }, "end": {}, "available": { "type": "for", "duration": { "value": 6, "unit": "hours" }, "recurrenceRule": "INTERVAL=1;FREQ=WEEKLY;COUNT=10" }, "notifications": [ { "name": "30MAfterAvail", "template": "veeva_epro_participant_reminder_survey_available", "type": "available", "offset": { "value": 30, "unit": "minutes" } } ] }, { "name": "NoDelay_AvailBetween8and12", "location": "clinic", "description": "This schedule starts immediately after the participant event and makes the survey available between 8:00 AM and 12:00 PM. It recurs daily until the end event. The participant receives a notification 1 hour before the survey is due and after they miss 3 surveys.", "start": { "startEvents": ["insert-event-id"] }, "available": { "type": "between", "startTime": "08:00", "endTime": "12:00", "recurrenceRule": "INTERVAL=1;FREQ=DAILY" }, "end": { "endEvents": ["insert-event-id"] }, "notifications": [ { "name": "1HBeforeDue", "template": "veeva_epro_participant_reminder_survey_due", "type": "due", "offset": { "value": -1, "unit": "hours" } }, { "name": "3MissedSurveys", "template": "veeva_epro_participant_missed_surveys", "type": "missed", "numMissed": 3 } ] } ]